Welcome to Bhandara Rice Mill Cluster

The Bhandara district is popular for its large production of rice and popularly referred as the 'Rice Bowl of Maharashtra'. Tumsar, a tahsil town, is a famous rice market. The rice mill cluster of Bhandara is more than 5 decades old and there about 243 rice mills (mostly micro scale) and many rice brokers and agents in the cluster. In fact, many millers are paddy farmers who have now also undertaken rice milling activity.

The rice mill cluster of Bhandara district has many advantages in terms of plenty availability of raw material paddy, good connectivity logistically, good faith and camaraderie between cluster members and farmers, active association, etc. However, millers in the cluster suffer from low profitability, largely due to lack of capital to invest in technology and capacity upgrading. The lack of funds has inhibited millers investing in capital intensive advanced technologies. The cluster firms here are yet to upgrade in terms of advanced technology silky
polishers, color sorters and other rice milling equipments. Also there is critical unavailability of paddy ageing (steaming), by-product bran primary processing (Solvent Extraction), quality packaging, testing and storage facilities in the cluster. Under such circumstances, the cluster has been facing a situation of mere survival, as it faces  competition from stronger cluster in region as well.

We, Bhandara District Rice Industries Association, are confident and determined to play the lead role in turning our cluster into a highly successful and technologically advanced cluster!

Cluster Profile

Number of  MSE firms

Average investment per unit

Important raw  material sourced from within the cluster/adjacent districts

Average turnover per unit

Average Export per unit

Average Man
power per unit

-Existing MSE units: 243
-(Micro rice-milling units: 212 ;
Small milling units: 31)

-Investment in equipment by micro milling units: 18 Lakh;

small milling  units: Rs 65 Lakh

-Raw material paddy catchment area is Bhandara and other regions like Nagpur, and Gadchiroli, as well as Bihar, M.P. & U.P.
as PP  and
Jute Bags (through brokers) from
Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, NCR,
and Kolkata

-About Rs. 100 Lakh per annum in the case of  micro   operators;
Rs. 600 Lakh per annum in the case of small  units.

(Total turnover is therefore in the range of Rs. 398 crore)


-About 6 and 12 persons directly empl. per unit in the case of micro units and small firms, respectively or 1651 persons directly. (The core cluster enterprise therefore provides direct and indirect employment to about 3500 people)
-Livelihood of 200,000 farmers directly dependent on cluster firms.

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